Hi, I’m Fran!

I started my pole journey after working in the health & fitness industry for over 25 years and I am passionate about helping you reach your health and fitness goals.

When I first started pole dancing, I had a hard time balancing my pole training with training off the pole and there was no one out there who understood my dilemma!

So I put my sports conditioning experience to work and developed the PoleStrong Method of Training, which I use personally and in every Body by Fran program.

I'm 56 years old and my body feels better than ever. My method is your key to doing pole for life.

As a professional pole athlete, I have traveled the world performing and competing and I’m super proud to say that I am the 2017 World Pole Art Championships Silver Medalist, as well as the 2017 PSO Seaboard Championships Bronze Medalist.

It's my goal to help you build the body of your dreams. A body that feels strong, looks healthy, and resists injury from this demanding activity that we love!

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